A new version of our PayPal Fee Calculator is now available. Just like our new eBay Calculator, it’s more user- and mobile-friendly.
We’re hard at work updating the rest of our calculators as well. Stay tuned!
A new version of our PayPal Fee Calculator is now available. Just like our new eBay Calculator, it’s more user- and mobile-friendly.
We’re hard at work updating the rest of our calculators as well. Stay tuned!
Effective May 30, 2012, Amazon increased their Referral Fee for Musical Instruments from 12% to 15%. The Amazon Marketplace Fee Calculator has been updated to reflect this change. Amazon’s fee table can be found here.
Taking into account the various feedback and suggestions we’ve received for the current eBay Calculator, we’ve been working on a new version designed to be more user-friendly and run well across more devices, such as phones and tablets. Here’s a sneak peek:
Stay tuned for the official announcement and timetable for when the current eBay Calculator will be decommissioned. Post your comments or feedback if there’s anything you might like added or changed for this new version.