eBay 2013 Spring Seller Update: Part II

Today, we updated our eBay Fee Calculators to use the most recent fee updates for eBay Stores subscribers effective May 1, 2013.  The updates consist of the following:

  1. To cover the new final value fee rates for various categories, we’ve expanded the list of available categories in the category drop-down menu of the calculators.
  2. For non-free Auction-style listings, insertion fees are now 25¢, 15¢, and 10¢ for Basic, Premium, and Anchor Stores, respectively.  Formerly, insertion fees were tiered based on starting price.
  3. For fixed price listings, insertion fees are now 20¢, 10¢, and 5¢ for Basic, Premium, and Anchor Stores, respectively.  One exception is the insertion fee for items in the Books, DVDs & Movies, Music & Video Games category, which is now 5¢.  Formerly, insertion fees for all categories were 20¢, 5¢, and 3¢ for Basic, Premium, and Anchor Stores, respectively.
  4. Final value fees for Auction-style and fixed price listings in Stores are either 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, or 9%, depending on the category.  Formerly, final value fees were tiered based on the total amount of the sale.
  5. The maximum final value fee for Auction-style and fixed price listings in Stores is $250–the same as the maximum for non-Stores.  Formerly, there was no maximum final value fee for Stores that we’re aware of.
  6. If Buy It Now is added to an Auction-style listing, it must be at least 30% over the listing’s start price.  This applies to both Store and non-Store listings.

These updates, along with the updates mentioned in our previous post, complete the changes required for the eBay 2013 Spring Seller Update.  As always, let us know in the comments if there’s something we overlooked.

Visit eBay’s Stores fees page for more information on eBay fees for Stores.

Insertion fees for Auction-style listings before May 1, 2013.

Insertion fees for Auction-style listings before May 1, 2013.

Insertion fees for fixed price listings before May 1, 2013.

Insertion fees for fixed price listings before May 1, 2013.

Insertion fees effective May 1, 2013.

Insertion fees effective May 1, 2013.

4 thoughts on “eBay 2013 Spring Seller Update: Part II

  1. Treesa

    I love your calculators – they help so much! Are the percentage on shipping fees included? I can’t seem to figure out if they are or not on the fee details because it doesn’t show. Thanks!

    1. salecalc.com Post author

      Thanks, Treesa. Yes, final value fees on shipping are included in the eBay fee calculations.

      1. Treesa

        Thank you so much for your reply. Thanks for all of your hard work making these calculators! I couldn’t sell on any of these platforms without your calculators. It’s shocking once you realize what you’re truly making in “profit”. Hope you see an app for this in the future!


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